YTexas | Elevating Brand Recognition Through Strategic Thought Leadership & Media Relations

YTexas, an elite business network, came to Pierpont looking to gain awareness among companies moving to Texas and to position themselves as an expert resource for business and corporate relocations to Texas.
Pierpont’s objectives were to position YTexas and CEO Ed Curtis as the leading authority on why businesses chose to relocate to Texas, while also increasing awareness of their annual YTexas Summit, Texas’ largest business symposium, held every Fall.
Pierpont generated interest for YTexas’s annual Business Summit through 18 secured media hits from publications like The Dallas Morning News, The Dallas Business Journal, D Magazine and Community Impact, who attended and covered the event. Additionally, YTexas’s Relocation Tracker Report received 75 pieces of media coverage in prominent Texas outlets which were then syndicated in outlets across the country. This wide-spread coverage establishes YTexas’s CEO Ed Curtis as an expert authority on the Texas business climate and incoming relocations.