University of Texas Permian Basin | Driving Online Attendance at a Top-Tier Educational Institution

University of Texas Permian Basin | Driving Online Attendance at a Top-Tier Educational Institution

Nonprofits & Education, Digital Marketing, Public Relations

In the heart of one of the world’s most economically significant regions, The University of Texas – Permian Basin (UTPB) sought to amplify its brand presence beyond its local sphere and drive online enrollment growth from diverse geographic regions.



UTPB’s online program management firm, Apollidon, specializes in targeted outreach for online undergraduate and graduate programs. Together, Pierpont and Apollidon's objective was to actively engage with prospective students across the nation, cultivating awareness and interest in UTPB as a top-tier educational institution.


Pierpont conducted sourcing calls with leaders of the institution to enhance their subject-matter-expert profiles to then conduct media outreach to tiered trade and national media. The team also coordinated event outreach and on-site media interviews with relevant reporters. Pierpont collaborated closely with Apollidon to create targeted external messaging for audiences aligned with prospective students outside of the West Texas region.


Pierpont secured broadcast, print and online media coverage across several outlets, fostering brand awareness for UTPB’s specific subject areas and to a broader audience outside of its typical market.

Earned Media Placements 68