SNC-Lavalin Media Relations | Short Deadlines and High Stakes
Following the success and increased visibility Pierpont garnered for SNC-Lavalin‘s CEO during the Marcellus-Utica Midstream show, Pierpont worked with the company to prepare additional executives for print and broadcast interviews beyond the conference, including the COO, CFO, environmental directors, technical experts, contract services and legal teams.
To do so, Pierpont developed a custom media preparation and response workshop that covered the realities of working with today’s media, including the good, bad, and the ugly. The training culminated in on-camera interview simulations based on events that had happened or were reasonable to expect would happen, including crisis scenarios that could potentially endanger the SNC-Lavalin brand, employees, and/or customers.
Pierpont’s proactive strategy to maximize SNC-Lavalin’s voice as a leader in the industry and a motivator of prospective customer behavior extended beyond reporter-based coverage and into byline article submissions. The team crafted byline articles around complex topics, including the design of heavy oil pipelines, upstream pumping equipment, and low ratio compressor application for pipeline stations. The articles conveyed industry authority in publications such as Pipeline & Gas Journal, World Pipeline, CHOA Journal, and Upstream Pumping.