Amplify Credit Union | Amplifying Awareness to Grow Membership & Boost Traffic
In 2011, Amplify Credit Union partnered with Pierpont to establish a media relations program to build brand awareness throughout Central Texas and beyond. From Fortune to the Austin American-Statesman to the Credit Union Times, Pierpont secured coverage that highlighted Amplify’s financial expertise, innovation practices, and philanthropy efforts.
Recently, when Amplify went through a major website refresh, Pierpont had the opportunity to put a unique spin on the organization’s ongoing media relations program.
While media relations were critical to Amplify’s success in terms of market awareness, shifting our focus to drive traffic to Amplify’s new site created additional opportunities to align media placements with SEO efforts.
To date, Amplify has seen success by building strong ongoing relationships with several key sites such as Forbes, Reuters, Personal Loan Reports, and Austin Moms Blog, improving Amplify site traffic year-over-year and boosting search ranking on select key terms.