Pierpont Sponsors 2019 University of Texas McCombs Business Outlook Events Statewide

Business leaders in Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio gathered for a series of events held at the Federal Reserve Banks in each city and hosted by the University of Texas McCombs School of Business, where several of the top economists and executives in the state shared their predictions and thoughts on the economic outlook for 2019.
While some panelists estimate a state economic growth of only one to two percent, many emphasized the importance of improving education and embracing connectivity. They explained how investing in education will aid in replenishing the aging workforce. They also shared some of the factors that would drive economic growth statewide, including the expansion of the Houston Ship Channel and local governments’ spending on technology to improve utilities and infrastructure.
As a longtime advocate for investing in education and economic thought leadership, Pierpont has sponsored and attended the University of Texas McCombs Business Outlook events statewide year over year. To learn more about the 2019 Business Outlook events and watch the panel discussion from each city, visit the school’s website here.
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