Media Training

We conduct crisis communications planning & spokesperson training
From announcing a new product to responding to a crisis event with our media crisis training, Pierpont’s media training ensures you are prepared to effectively engage your key audiences.
Our media training services team brings decades of experience and best practices to guide dynamic discussions, Q&A sessions, and hands-on scenarios—from interactive activities to on-camera simulated media interviews.
Pierpont’s crisis communications training provides a customized approach to guide your spokespeople through realistic scenarios.
Your team will be ready to effectively deliver key messages to the most crucial audiences—from employees and neighbors to media and investors.
Speaking to the media–or even training to do so–doesn’t have to be a stressful event.
Our approach builds confidence by focusing on proper preparation and knowing what messages you want to deliver to your audience as well as the needs of cross-platform media.
Pierpont’s proven and customized approach combines the latest in media training tactics with on-camera interviews based on scenarios customized for your team.
Whether sharing information about yourself, your company or your latest product, presentations are about evoking thinking, feeling and doing from your audience.
Through our hands-on training, we’ll help you to better reach, motivate and inspire your audiences to action.

Our approach includes discovery sessions, planning & training modules
Pierpont’s communications training offerings include content and creativity, media training for executives, media training workshops, crisis communications and presentation training.
Depending on your needs, Pierpont’s crisis training may address the following:
- Discovery and planning sessions to develop relevant, customized scenarios for your participants.
- Tabletop crisis communications exercises based on realistic social media, media inquiries and changing/evolving situations on the ground.
- Live, in-person classroom training addressing all aspects of engaging with the media effectively.
- Customized video-based interview training with mock scenarios to prepare designated spokespersons for engaging with the media.
Playback and evaluation of mock interview to refine skills.
Depending on the length and scope of the sessions, training may include:
- Discovery and planning sessions to develop relevant, customized scenarios for your participants.
- Evaluation and incorporation of existing media policy materials, key messages and other tools maintain message consistency.
- Interactive discussion of media relations best practices and Q&A.
- Discussion of social media platforms and their role in crisis communications and news environments.
- Live, mock on-camera interviews with custom scenarios.
- Playback and evaluation of mock interview to refine skills.